Bird Toon of the Day - April 14, 2024
Diamond Lil: I sense a theme to this series of punchlines.
Diamond Lil: I sense a theme to this series of punchlines.
Diamond Lil: Yesterday's bad joke, continued.
Diamond Lil: Herman tries to have an intelligent conversation with the chicken. To no avail.
Diamond Lil: If you can stand a second "beginning of Spring" story arc, here you go. No Stupid in this one, but plenty of bad jokes.
Six Chix: Any excuse to delay.
Half Full: Wouldn't be much of a vacation otherwise ...
Speed Bump: For this, call waiting won't help.
Tundra: Just like human kids.
Carpe Diem: Unfortunately, the budgies only said "pretty boy".
Break Of Day: Avian sci-fi.