
GlobalGiving matching event - final update, 2:54 pm PT

LouieThe GlobalGiving matching gift funds are now GONE!  Thanks to the generosity of 75 of you, Mickaboo managed to raise $16,626 (inclusive of matching funds) - more than our $15K fundraising goal, allowing us to help heal many many birds (about 80 vet appointments for garden-variety issues, or 3 treatments for more severe matters, like Louie's surgery).

Quita Memorial Challenge Grant - penultimate update

QuitaOur current total is $24,142, over 80% of our $30,000 end-of-year fundraising goal!  That's about a typical month's worth of vet costs for our flock of 400+ birds.  Regardless of whether your gift was large or small, we THANK YOU for your generosity!  We suspect Quita, the parrotlet in whose memory the matching funds were provided, is also smiling.

Want to jumpstart your New Year with a gift? Here are the ways: 

Quita Memorial Challenge Grant - Dec. 31 evening update

QuitaOur current total is $21,523, almost three-quarters of our $30,000 end-of-year fundraising goal! Your generosity during this Challenge Grant time (ENDS AT MIDNIGHT TODAY!) makes your gift go further than usual, helps you when you file your 2014 income taxes - and helps Mickaboo build a solid foundation as we head into the new year.
