
Bird Toon of the Day - June 8, 2015

Bizarro for April 8, 2013.  For those who are not Roman Catholic, an explanation of the joke follows.

This toon appeared not long after Pope Benedict XVI made the decision to step down. When a new Pope is to be elected, the College of Cardinals (the highest rank in priesthood) is summoned to the Vatican to deliberate and vote, and the new Pope must be one of their number.  Dan turned this upside-down and sideways to show a cardinal (avian type) wearing the papal mitre (headgear).

Last Day to Become a Supporting Donor!

Today is the last day to become a charter Supporting Donor, someone whose monthly contributions create the foundation for our operations.  An anonymous donor, Quita the parrotlet’s owner, will be providing matching funds for both new and increased monthly donations. Help our rescued birds - over 90% of all our donations pays for their ongoing veterinary expenses.
