
Newsflash! GlobalGiving matching funds have run out!

GlobalGiving's matching funds have run out! Thanks to your generosity, we raised $5400 (including matching funds) while the event lasted. That's about a week's worth of vet bills!

Still want to give?  Our birds still need your help!  Please give at either of the donation buttons at (left margin).  Thank you thank you thank you!

50% Matching Gift Event - 7/15, NOW while matching funds last!

Thanks to your continued support, Mickaboo Companion Bird Rescue has been able to continue our work of rescuing, rehabilitating, and re-Henriettahoming companion birds.  We have accepted 48 and adopted out 65 birds so far this year, while caring for a flock of ~450. (See photos and read stories about many of our birds here.)
