Bird Toon of the Day - September 10, 2015
Speed Bump from September 29, 2010 ... wouldn't you have thought Noah was a vegetarian?
Speed Bump from September 29, 2010 ... wouldn't you have thought Noah was a vegetarian?
The Holiday Party is our biggest in-person gathering of the year! Come to meet Mickaboo's volunteers and officers, get some holiday shopping done, and help Mickaboo's birds all at the same time! Learn more and RSVP here.
When and Where
Saturday, December 5, 2015, 5 pm - 9 pm
Third Workplace
7000 Sunne Lane, Suite 112
Walnut Creek, CA
Everyone who has a macaw for a companion, please raise your hand if this doesn't surprise you. From Cheezburger, February 1, 2013.
Another Bizarro twist on "Polly want a cracker", from March 26, 2011.
Strange Brew from May 27, 2013 gives us a nice play on words.
File this under "I spoke too soon." After posting yesterday's Frank & Ernest strip on "avian grammar" I went searching for more F&E strips for my archives ... and ran across a sequel to yesterday's, from April 6, 2011. Why it took this long for the cartoonist to do a follow-up is beyond me, but here it is anyway:
A have a few of the Frank & Ernest strips in my archive. I'd probably have more except that I find a lot of them ... well, not all that funny. Here is an old one from February 10, 1998 that has an intellectual component to it ... it is the only one of a series from back then called "avian grammar" that I saved. (I can go back and find more if I get requests for these, otherwise this is the only one you get.)
Mutts from March 17, 2011. I agree with the last panel's comment.
Free Range from July 10, 2013 offers another variation on "Polly want a cracker".
Dan Piraro turns another cliché on its side in this Bizarro from July 20, 2013: