Bird Toon of the Day - October 24, 2015
A pre-color Bizarro from April 20, 2000.
A pre-color Bizarro from April 20, 2000.
Another typically bad pun from Frank and Ernest, March 25, 2013:
You may well ask who's mimicing who in this Sunday Strange Brew strip from May 11, 2008.
Rhymes With Orange from April 16, 2008 features a parrot which has apparently tired of seeing his pirate's ear wax buildup.
Another captioned nature photo from Cheezburger of March 28, 2012.
Another migration-themed cartoon from Mutts of October 11, 2011.
Ziggy from June 23, 2005. Gee, I wonder how that happened ...?
Speed Bump from May 11, 2010. Self-explanatory.
Non Sequitur's off-bet take on migration, from September 22, 2014.
A Six Chix entry from Margaret Shulock transfers one of human society's environmental concerns into avian society; originally from September 25, 2012.