Bird Toon of the Day - November 4, 2015
Speed Bump from October 22, 2012. You may have to think about this for a minute before the punchline makes sense ...
Speed Bump from October 22, 2012. You may have to think about this for a minute before the punchline makes sense ...
WuMo from September 22, 2014. It's all about perspective.
Another of comic/artist Jason Love's "Snapshots".
One for those who believe that parrots "parrot" what they hear without giving the words any values ... Bizarro from September 10, 2014.
A postscript to the Diamond Lil story arc from earlier in the week, featuring Stupid the Bird's running gag of flying into things (from October 26, 2013). Happy Halloween!
Another migration-related Mutts strip, from October 16, 2013.
A captioned Cheezburger photo from June 14, 2012. Nope, definitely more cute than fierce.
The conclusion of the Halloween-themed three-strip story arc with Stupid the Bird (and featuring Lunchbox, the title character's boyfriend's dog), from Diamond Lil of October 24, 2013.
There was a postscript a few days later, which I will post on Halloween itself.
Part two of the Halloween-themed Diamond Lil story arc, from October 23, 2013. Stupid the Bird just can't win for losing:
Part one of a three-strip Diamond Lil Halloween-themed story arc, featuring (who else?) Stupid the Bird, from October 22, 2013: