Bird Toon of the Day - March 21, 2016
Another Cheezburger captioned photo. This one just makes me laugh out loud.
Another Cheezburger captioned photo. This one just makes me laugh out loud.
Speed Bump from two years ago features a Medicare-eligible bird and a youngster.
Bizarro from three years ago today, featuring my favorite species of companion bird. Fans of a certain BBC comedy from the 1980s will get this inside joke: The question was purely rhetorical, Bernard.
We go back to 2011 for this cute Mutts strip featuring Philippe in an unexpected role:
Peanuts from this date in 1966 features the barely-able-to-fly bird that eventually evolved into the more familiar yellow Woodstock.
A play on the usual "I'd hit that" about an attractive person, changed to a companion bird and its mirror.
THANK YOU to the many, many, MANY generous souls among you who made today's fundraising event a success. Together we raised $16,625 ($12,135 in individual donations plus $4,490 matching funds, at 37%).
WOW! Our current total is $11,280, about 3/4 of our $15,000 fundraising goal! Your gift during this GlobalGiving matching event makes your funds go further than usual - amazingly, if you donate NOW, your matching gift percentage would be about 40%!
Wow! Our current total is $10,210, about 68% of our $15,000 fundraising goal! Your generosity during this GlobalGiving matching event makes your gift go further than usual - amazingly, if you donate NOW, your matching gift percentage would be about 50%!
Our current total is $6,380, about 43% of our $15,000 fundraising goal! Your generosity during this GlobalGiving matching event makes your gift go further than usual and helps Mickaboo build a solid foundation as we continue into the new year.