
2nd Annual Quita Memorial Challenge Grant - Final Update

The final total is $27,310, over 90% of our $30,000 end-of-year fundraising goal!  THANK YOU for your collective generosity - our volunteers Quitaand Board of Directors are flabbergasted and humbled by your outpouring of support.  The funds will go a long way toward meeting the medical needs of our foster flock (depending on how needy our birds are, of course - our December 2015 bill from just ONE veterinary clinic exceeded $25k).

2nd Annual Quita Memorial Challenge Grant - Dec. 28 update

We have so far raised  $8,731 toward our $30,000 fundraising goal! Thank you for your generosity during this season of giving- it truly makes a difference to the lives of our foster flock, and to the many volunteers who care for them. And giving during this Challenge Grant time makes your gift go further!

Want to share in the joy? One may give:
