Bird Toon of the Day - February 17, 2024
Jump Start: I never heard of that tree before. Now I want to visit Hawaii.
Jump Start: I never heard of that tree before. Now I want to visit Hawaii.
Loose Parts: And don't ask to see the Woodfather.
The Other Coast: Koko the rescue dog makes an observation as to why birds may be smarter than people.
Peanuts: From 1976, Woodstock's February 14 greeting.
Diamond Lil: Imagine what Stupid could do with an Ikea instruction sheet.
Carpe Diem: Kind of like how running water makes you ... well, you know.
Macanudo: I guess the shape of the waves (cherry blossom-like) is the confusion here. Penguins aren't supposed to be that far north anyway ...
Tundra: And that's not even a barn door.
Speed Bump: Wait until someone explains to them what the play on words here refers to,
Six Chix: Kids. Picky to a fault regardless of species.