Bird Toon of the Day - July 25, 2019
I know you'll have to scroll to read this Mutts strip, but it's too cute not to share.
I know you'll have to scroll to read this Mutts strip, but it's too cute not to share.
The eagles at The Other Coast have a philosophical difference of opinion.
Strange Brew meets Law & Order. Note both the play on words and the fact that they can only ask one type of interrogation question.
WuMo looks at waterfowl labor disputes.
We conclude "Summertime for Stupid" from Diamond Lil with an ending only he could perform.
The continuing adventures of our favorite mishap-prone bird, from Diamond Lil:
Part four of "Springtime for Stupid" from Diamond Lil. Some selfie.
Diamond Lil's "Summertime for Stupid", third installment ... in which he reverts to form. (I'm still puzzling over yesterday's strip ... how does a bird apply sunscreen?)
Final update: 7/18/2019 9:38 pm
Today's matching event is over. The final result: $15,500 in donations, a little over a week's worth of our vet bills at the moment. THANK YOU all for your generosity and support. We literally could not do what we do without your ongoing help.
Update: 7/18/2019: 6:45 pm
"Summertime for Stupid" part two, from Diamond Lil.