2024 Holiday Events
Welcome to Mickaboo's Annual Holiday Party & Funraiser. We are proud to say this is our 27th year of rescuing, rehabilitating, and rehoming parrots in Northern California! This page holds all the info about the virtual events we're hosting for you.
Our online auction runs from December 3, 9 am PT - December 8, 3:00 pm PT. Treat yourself, friends and family with our wonderful collection of items, from original art to bird toys to jewelry to stocking stuffers. Great gifts for you or others! Proceeds help our 450+ flock of rescued birds with necessary veterinary care. MANY MANY thanks to those who donated the silent auction items.
On December 8, we have online entertaining and educational events planned for you. Use this link to register with Zoom. There is one link for all events. After registering, you'll receive an email allowing you to save your Zoom link. You will also receive reminders closer to the event.
01:00 pm PT: San Francisco Red-Masked Parakeets Genetics Project Update!
Join us for an update on the San Francisco Red-Masked Parakeets Genetics project as it unfolds in real-time. Mickaboo, in collaboration with scientists at UCSF and Stanford, is undertaking a first-of-its-kind genetics study to learn more about the red-masked parakeets flying freely around San Francisco. See the YouTube recording here.
02:00 pm PT: Birdwatching in Australia (Cassowaries and the Birds of Kakadu); Linda Liebelt interviewing Julia Keller
Julia has traveled extensively throughout Australia, emphasizing visits to parrot rescues, sanctuaries, and habitats. She'll share what she learned and saw. Ask her your bird and travel questions! See the YouTube recording here.
03:00 pm PT: Auction wrap-up and party
During this informal virtual party, we'll watch the drama marking the end of the online auction. Ask your questions about payment and delivery arrangements! We will also use this time for volunteers and supporters to reconnect with each other in an informal way.
Mickaboo continues to exist and help the birds and guardians who need us because of YOUR generosity. Any gift, no matter the size, will be appreciated by our many volunteers who care for the birds in our care. Please give to help our birds - and get a tax deduction (subject to IRS guidelines).