Mission: Sedona

Article from “The Mickaboo Bird Rescue Companion”
Published April, 2024

By Giselle Stancic

Collage of two photos with white pigeons and two photos of green parrotsAfter hearing the sad news about long-time volunteer Louisa Jaskulski’s passing, the Mickaboo community turned its attention to rehoming the Mickaboo alumni birds that Louisa had lovingly cared for. The situation was complicated since Louisa had moved to Sedona, AZ with her dear birds. 

Sarah Lemarié, Mickaboo’s Acting CEO, undertook the mission to bring back Louisa’s birds to the San Francisco Bay Area. Sarah took an early morning flight in September 2023 from San Francisco to Sedona, where she picked up a rental SUV and headed to Louisa’s house. Sarah got to work, preparing two finches, three Amazons, and four pigeons (six carriers in all!) for the next step in the over-800-mile journey back to the Bay Area. It was quite a feat to catch all of the birds!

Sarah first went on a two-hour detour to drop off two finches in Phoenix, then drove west through the Arizona and Southern California deserts, stopping overnight stop at a north Palm Springs motel.

Getting all the cages out of the car during a dust storm and caring for every bird was the first priority and a big job. The next morning, after a giant and much needed Denny’s breakfast for Sarah, and fresh vegetable shopping for the birds, everyone was boarded again into the car. 

Car trunk packed with bird cagesAfter a full day of driving through the California Central Valley, the Bay Area was finally in sight. The crew arrived at Sarah’s in the evening and both the birds and the driver had a chance to stretch. The birds took over several rooms at Sarah's home until foster care arrangements were made. Palomacy generously took in the four pigeons Louisa had adopted in Arizona. Louisa’s amazons are being lovingly cared for until they find their next forever home. 

Mickaboo makes a lifelong commitment to care for our birds when an adopter is no longer able to. We’re pleased to honor Louisa’s memory and dedication to Mickaboo in this way. Thank you to everyone who helped plan this journey, and particularly to Sarah who made this trip happen.   

[Editor's note: Interested in adopting one of Louisa's Amazons?  Contact us here.]

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