Dear Mickaboo Readers:
This message is a most sincere and serious appeal for help. This help involves doing the
hard stuff of rescue. It means taking in a difficult bird on a permanent basis because it has
no other option. It means making a commitment to treat an aggressive, distrustful bird with
dignity and respect and make it a part of your family even if it can't be trusted out of its
cage. Someone has to be able to step up and do the hard stuff when no one else will.
Several years ago, we took in some difficult older male birds. These
guys were tough to deal with, distrustful, aggressive, and for the most part
have not bonded with any of their foster parents. Some of these guys have
shown improvement in a stable situation, but foster home situations change
and the birds need to move again. There are many birds that are in need of
a permanent home, but these particular little guys are in need of a special
person who will love them for who they are, unconditionally. Several sanctuaries have been contacted to see if it is possible
for any of our boys to live there, but with the poor economy, job losses,
home foreclosures, sanctuaries already filled to capacity or closing down,
together with declining donations to non-profit organizations, our chances
of scoring a slot for even one bird is probably slim.
So, I have to appeal to you, and I hate this because if you are just
an invisible audience, these birds are doomed. In addition to saving the
lives of these birds already in our organization, you will be allowing our
volunteers to foster birds in need that we would otherwise not be able to
find room for. Since this will be a permanent placement, we will waive any
adoption fee, since these guys can be classified as special needs due to
their behavior. If you are one of the unique individuals to adopt an amazon
or a macaw, we will help to find you a large cage appropriate for these wonderful
creatures! For those of you who might be "faint of heart", believe me when
I say these are not salivating monsters with a taste for blood, not huge
feathered chainsaws, or some bogey bird waiting to rip your eyes out. They
are, for the most part, terrified of people because people have abused them
in the past, or they may have been wild caught and never well socialized.
They will bite out of fear and to protect the only thing life with humans
has allowed them - the confines of a metal cell. What better "feel good" moment can there be than when you quietly
tiptoe around your cages at night and know that each bird ate well that day,
is safe and warm, clean and healthy, has played with good toys. If you take
in one of these guys, you can also "feel good" knowing that he doesn't have
to ever again be moved out - to go through the grief and sense of loss and
have to try once again to find his rightful place in OUR world.
I'd like to give some of you lots of "feel good" moments when you decide to invite one of these older
birds into your home to stay.
Please don't send me notes that say "I used a whole box of tissue when I read that one!" Please
send me a note that says "Tell me more about these birds. Which ones will fit in my home? Maybe
I could take two?"
Everybody is asking for money this holiday season. I'm not. I'm asking you to provide the gift of
a quality life for one of these birds. Please.
Thanks and Warm wishes to you and your flock this holiday season.
Claudia M. - and Cookie, Roberto, Jimmy, Peppie, Herkimer,Bebbi and Alex
Adoption Coordinator and "The Boys"
Email today and help create your New Year's Miracle!
I'm Roberto, a handsome Yellow Nape Amazon with big personality. I am a great
ambassador for diversity - my ancestors came from the rainforest of South
America, I have a Hispanic name, lived in multi-cultural San Francisco and
speak and understand Cantonese. According to my chauffeur, I am a "jabber
jaws". I know she was entertained during our long drive with my laughing,
singing, clucking and making a wide variety of jungle sounds. I'm in my new foster home, sitting on a heated perch and enjoying looking
out the window while catching a few sun rays. I'm developing a taste for
fine cuisine, which is better than my previous pistachio nuts and sunflower
seed diet. I also lived for at least 22 years in a small cage and was not
given any time out for exercise. I'm not quite sure what to do with all this
room in my new cage. As soon as I'm feeling a little more confident, I'll
probably start exploring a bit and see what those colorful toys are all about.
If you have room in your heart and in your family, I don't need much! I just need a place to call HOME!
Aren't we the handsomest group of rogues you have ever seen?
"Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy
for the worst of them all - the apathy of human beings." Helen Keller